Scott J. Peters

Scott J. Peters is a Professor of Educational Foundations at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater where he teaches courses on gifted education, educational assessment, and research methods. He received his Ph.D. from Purdue University specializing in gifted and talented education with secondary areas in Applied Research Methodology and English Education. He has presented at the state, national, and international levels on topics dealing with gifted education, educational policy, and research methodology and currently serves on committees and as an officer of the Wisconsin Association for Talented and Gifted, the National Association for Gifted Children and the American Education Research Association. He is the past recipient of the Fedlhusen Doctoral Fellowship in Gifted Education, the NAGC Research an Evaluation Network Dissertation Award, the NAGC Doctoral Student of the Year Award, the NAGC Early Scholar Award, and the UW – Whitewater Innovation and Outstanding Research Awards. His scholarly work has appeared in Teaching for High Potential, Gifted Child Quarterly, the Journal of Advanced Academics, the Journal of Career and Technical Education Research, Ed Leadership, Ed Week, and Pedagogies. He is the first author of Beyond gifted education: Designing and implementing advanced academic programs – published by Prufrock Press.