Steven Pfeiffer is a popular speaker, consultant, and recognized authority on the mental health challenges unique to the gifted. Dr. Pfeiffer is Professor Emeritus at Florida State University, where he served as Director of Clinical Training. Previously, he was a Professor at Duke University and served as Executive Director of Duke University’s gifted program, Duke TIP, and before that, Executive Director of the Devereux Institute of Clinical Training and Research in Villanova, PA. He served in the US Navy Medical Service Corps as a Clinical Psychologist. He is author of over 200 monographs, book chapters, and journal articles, and twelve books, including the APA Handbook of Giftedness and Talent (2018, APA Books), and The Handbook of Giftedness in Children (2018; Springer). His book, Essentials of Gifted Assessment (2015, Wiley), is considered the gold standard resource on gifted assessment. An active consultant, advisor, and therapist, he has worked with over 2,000 children, youth, parents, and families in the USA and globally.